Test System and Test Methodology

To test the performance of the pump, we used the following hardware platform


While below is the table of components used for the liquid cooling system


To test the pump both in idle and under load, we have created situations of increasing load. In a first test (see photo below) we did operate the pump in idle, that is only connecting the flow meter for the collection of flow data. Recall that the Aquacomputer flow meter used for testing is known and appreciated for its precision and lack of restrictiveness. In order to be sure it was tuned to perfection, always before each round of testing we carry out a manual calibration by adjusting the calibration on the controller.


In the next test we have applied as the only load the radiator.


Then we introduced, upstream of the radiator, CPU waterblock, to see the behavior of the pump with increasing loads.


Finally we completed the installation by inserting also the VGA waterblock.


Logically in all cases we make sure the system was purged before taking over the values. In order then to make the readings as real and stable, we kept the pump under test for at least 1 hour for each setup, just to make sure that the plant was at fully steady state. In the next section we give you the test results.